1:1 Breathwork

3 different Breath Experiences to help you thrive

when you buy a package

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I highly recommend booking more than one session for savings, and also because the benefits of breathwork build over time as you strengthen your lungs, awareness, and breath intelligence.

Total Health & Wellbeing

(1, 3 or 6 sessions)

Optimize & free up your everyday breathing

The breath influences every system of your body and being…Yet most of us have developed suboptimal breathing habits. These unconscious patterns can contribute to anxiety, fatigue, pain, insomnia, chronic inflammation and burnout.

When you unlock your optimal breathing, you’ll…

✔️ release stress and anxiety - know deeper relaxation

✔️ lower blood pressure

✔️ improve metabolism and digestive health

✔️ improve sleep, mood, and emotional regulation

✔️ access greater concentration and focus

✔️ unlock more of your life force energy

What you can expect: 

  • We begin by exploring your goals for better physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual wellbeing. 

  • We’ll identify any sub-optimal breathing habits and patterns you can enhance. 

  • Based on your needs and intentions, I’ll guide you through relaxing, energizing or balancing breath practices. 

  • We close off our sessions with easy take-home practices and tools to support you to breathe easier, self-regulate, and thrive.

You’ll come away feeling more grounded in your body, connected to yourself, and empowered to use the medicine of your breath!

1 session 

(75 mins)

$150 CAD* 

*For first time clients only

3 sessions 

(60 mins)

$420 CAD 

6 sessions 

(60 mins)

$800 CAD 

Enjoy Total Health & Wellbeing!

Transformational Breathwork

(1, 3 or 6 sessions)

Unlock deep release, healing and transformation.

Conscious Connected Breathing (CCB) is a circular connected pattern of breathing. It’s a powerful and safe way to infuse the body with oxygen and energy, recharge your entire body-mind system, access your subconscious mind and hidden resources. CCB helps you heal trauma, release emotions and connect with your higher self.

What you can expect:

✔️ We begin by exploring what is feeling relevant and alive for you, setting an intention for our session. 

✔️ I will then lead you through some relaxation exercises to calm the body and mind, followed by 25-40 minutes of the circular breathing pattern. 

✔️ The session ends with a deeply peaceful and restorative period of rest and integration.

You’ll come away feeling a sense of release, wholeness, and embodied aliveness.

1 session 

(75 mins)

$150 CAD* 

*For first time clients only

3 sessions 

(60 mins)

$420 CAD 

6 sessions 

(60 mins)

$800 CAD 

Explore deep healing & transformation

Anchored in Calm (1:1)

My signature group program in a 1:1 setting

A 3-month coaching experience to unlock your breath as the key to a more peaceful, grounded and thriving YOU!

✔️6 1:1 themed sessions (90 mins) including guided breathing experiences

✔️Breathwork + Self-regulation education

✔️Your own Discovery Work between sessions

✔️Guided breath recordings + quick reference tools to support practice & integration

✔️Email support between calls 

✔️BONUS Transformational Breathing session (conscious connected breath)

What you can expect:

In each session we explore a theme relevant to optimizing your breathing and building nervous system resilience. 

  • You’ll be led through one or more guided breathing practices, and we’ll have time for questions and sharing experiences as you build a new and empowering relationship with your breath (and life itself)! 

  • You’ll also be given a new breath technique to practice and integrate into your daily life for the two weeks between each of our sessions. 

Beyond the stress of the mind, there’s a source of clarity, restoration and peace within. I’ll teach you how to tap into it so you can thrive!

7 sessions 

(90 mins each)

$1490 CAD

Not sure which one’s right for you? 

No prob. Book a free 15-min discovery call and we’ll figure it out

“I never thought that this journey of finding my breath again would have such a profound and positive impact on my life. I’m amazed to see how my body and whole being positively responded to the simplicity of conscious breathing.” 

Nadia Murphy

For the greatest value for your money, check out my signature group program: Anchored in Calm starting September 2024.

Want to go deeper? Embodiment Coaching might be for you.